Places: Sari Ater Hotspring, Ciater

by - Rabu, Februari 06, 2013

Hello, today I want to share my experience visiting the Sariater Hot Spring, Ciater, last weekend. It is one of the favorite tourist destinations In West Java, Indonesia, the location is situated in Sari Ater region Ciater village, district Jalancagak Subang, West Java, about 32 km from Bandung, I went there by bicycle and it took about 1,5 hours or so. During the travel, just prepare your very thick clothes!

As we arrived there we will see this sign board showing us the way to each hotspring pool and guides to other activities, such gift shop, fish therapy, flying fox, jeep offroad, etc. Anyway the entry ticket is quiet affordable around IDR 35,000 for hotspring only (so it's not included other activities I mentioned above).

Iguana? This reptil will welcome you at the front gate

It was raining when I visited there so I couldn't fully enjoy the outdoor spring - I forgot to check the weatherman, but still you can see that so many visitors there and they seemed didn't care about the weather and decided to enjoy the hotspring instead, while I take my time to do sightseeing and enjoy the green panorama here.
One of the spring
Walk through this path to find another hotspring
I was greatly impressed with a large numbers of beautiful hotspring I could see there, I really can feel the truly nature atmosphere, voices of the flowing water, splashing water and the hot air near the spring, all of them suddenly just recharged my energy. 

Somehow I was quiet disappointed why they couldn't manage this location properly cause some of the hotsprings are dirty and seemed lack of environment control. The public services such as toilet and bathroom aren't also something I could brag about.
Enjoy the waterbike
But, everything is cheap here! Guess that's the reason why. Great pleasure with low budget, this is the answer; fresh air, beautiful scenery, hotspring and nature activities, we will get everything here! So no mention.

Enjoy the green environment
See those people enjoying the hotspring
There are some picnic spots that we can use while relaxing at the hotspring, you can open your lunchset and enjoy your meal in an open air surrounding, isn't it lovely?
Studio 4D
There is also such attractions like the haunted house, shooting, and 4D Studio - of course with reasonable price you wouldn't regret, which I haven't tried due to the limited time. It's suggested for we stay for a day there to enjoy all the various games, but someday I will visit there again.
The tallest spring I found but forbidden to enter
So, that's all my weekend getaway story, hope you enjoy the post.

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