Dapur BOMB (Bukan Oseng Mercon Biasa) - A Review

by - Kamis, Januari 09, 2014

I'm not a spicy-food-eater to begin with, but this military-look-alike stall just caught me in the eye for some good reasons, including its tagline 'Bukan Oseng Mercon Biasa' (lit. no ordinary spicy chicken-stir-fry, perhaps stew?).

This stall is decorated like an army base, dominated by green and army things.
Funny, the cooks are called as Om DanPur or Komandan Dapur (lit. Kitchen Commander). And you will think that actually the owner was once applied as one of the army but rejected?

It feels nice and pleasant, very clean yet neat.

Then, of course I ordered their recommended menu!
Oseng Bomb
Ayam Tempur (with rice)
Bakmi Ranjau
And my soon favourite drink : Taro Milk Enemy
I love their food, a lot. There are times I just can't handle their spicy flavor! It was way, way much beyond my capacity but simply it's addictive!

They really offer a good price for each portion, so I really recommend you to visit here ^^ There you can see their address below, located just in front of X-Trans Travel.

If you've had been here, please tell me what do you think. See you!

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2 komentar

  1. Lucu banget resto-nya... pantesan namanya oseng mercon ya... semua serba militer :)
    sayang saya ga suka makanan pedes.. jadi ga bakalan tuh berani nyoba oseng mercon :D

  2. Kmrn sempet nyobain dan pedes nya juara tapi jadi kangen lagi :-)


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