Short Getaway to Mount Tangkuban Parahu

by - Kamis, Agustus 08, 2013

Just several weeks before Tangkuban Parahu was temporarily closed for visitors due its volcanic activities, I went there just for my short getaway on the weekend. It was a nice trip, we only need 1,5 hour from Bandung by motorcycle. Enjoying the fresh air and the tea plantation along the road.

The entry ticket was affordable, only IDR 13.000, me and mister went to Ratu crater one of crater in Tangkuban Parahu.

Sadly, the sky was foggy but it didn't stop us to keep exploring the mountain.

Many souvenir shops are available here if you want to buy some gifts about Tangkuban Parahu; necklace, waistband.

The price is negotiable, I bought a ponco for only IDR 25,000. The figurine on the picture below was about IDR 20,000. I bought one and wrote a message behind it.

Here are gems, if you're such a collector. Price ranges IDR 250,000 until IDR 700,000.

We walked a bit higher to get a better view from above.

So many stalls, you can enjoy the hot coffee, sekoteng, bandrek, bajigur, hot tea down there.

Roasted corn was also yummy for around IDR 6,000.

We also enjoyed roasted corns and fresh milk.

It's nice to go to the mountain, after all.

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